Our ideas of the arts in general, a characterization of the differences between images and texts, and the ways we form communities are being transformed today by a conjunction of media and computing. This course presents introductory techniques of problem solving and program coding as an interdisciplinary art form. These areas are adaptable to a wide range of disciplines, in which specialized problems of media presentation need to be addressed.


This class provides students with both practical programming skills and core ideas in computer science with interdisciplinary applications. Students develop real world and academic skills from a computer science immersion experience. Programming language theory, team building experience, and a midterm infographic project will develop organically through student interest and accommodated strengths. Lectures and readings will discuss the greater needs and desires granted to technology in society, both in its present day economic, ecological and ethical impact. No prior programming knowledge is needed. LRN, a iPad course using JavaScript is the primary programming platform. The first half of the term moves through a sequence of step-by-step introductory labs using the LRN iPad application to learn JavaScript. Labs will require independent analysis and a solution driven student/team designed midterm test. The second half of the course concentrates on a service learning component using the K-2 programming app Scratch Jr. available on iPads and Android tablets. We regularly visit Globe Academy, a dual-language immersion charter school in DeKalb county, Fridays between 9am and 12pm in the last month of the semester. My students are all provided iPads through Perimeter College’s Office of Information Technologies’ iTeach program. First graders work one-on-one with a college student as they use simple coding to create animations based on their own stories, math problems, language components, and art. The last week of the semester is a showcase of everyone’s final work.